Nova Scotia Skilled Worker

skilled worker

The Skilled Worker stream helps employers recruit foreign workers and recently graduated international students whose skills are needed in Nova Scotia. An employer can only hire foreign workers for positions they have been unable to fill with permanent residents or Canadian citizens.


To apply you must:

  • have a full-time permanent job offer from a Nova Scotia employer;
  • have 1 year of work experience related to the job. (Semi-skilled and low-skilled workers must already have six months’ experience with the employer.);
  • be 21 to 55 years old;
  • have a high school diploma;
  • have the appropriate training, skills and/or accreditation for the job;

prove language ability equal to CLB Level 5 if you are a skilled worker. Semi-skilled and low-skilled workers must have test results to prove they meet CLB 4 even if their first