New Brunswick Entrepreneurial Stream


This stream is designed for experienced business owners and senior managers who wish to become permanent residents by owning a business ( through starting or purchasing) in New Brunswick (NB) and managing it, while residing in the Province.

Business requirements:

Your business must be:

  • of economic benefit to the province;
  • you must have a minimum of 33 percent ownership and assume an active senior management role in the day-to-day operation of the business
  • established as a sole proprietorship, partnership or corporation; (in the case of a partnership, the other partner(s) must be a Permanent Resident or Canadian Citizen);
  • the continued operation of an existing business or the establishment of a new business;


When investing in a business, you must:

  • make an eligible business investment of not less than CAD $250,000 before
  • control at least 33 per cent equity in the business.

Creating jobs in New Brunswick

The business must create at least two full-time jobs for permanent residents or citizens of Canada living in New Brunswick. The two full-time jobs cannot include you, your spouse or common-law partner, your dependent children and/or other family members.


You will be assessed according to the following selection:

  • Age: You must be between 22-55 years of age
  • Language: CLB 5
  • Education: two-year post-secondary education
  • personal Net Worth: at least CAD $600,000 of which CAD $300,000 must be liquid
  • Business Ownership and/or Senior Management Experience: you must be the business owner (of at least 33 3%) for at least three out of the last five years; and be responsible for supervising at least two employees
  • Business Concept: You must demonstrate that the business concept is of economic benefit to New Brunswick
  • Adaptability: You might be awarded extra points if your spouse meets certain conditions

A minimum of 65 of 100 points is required to be successful.