Canada Surpasses U.S. as the most popular work destination for foreigners

Canada and US

The pandemic is known to be the main reason for this change.

Based on a survey conducted on 209,000 people in 190 countries, Covid -19 pandemic has had a noticeable influence on foreign workers’ preferences regarding their target country. Generally, fewer people are keen on working in another nation: while in 2014, 64 percent of people were interested in immigration for work, this number seems to be decreasing and reached 50 percent in 2020.

One main factor causing this change is the way different countries reacted to the outbreak of Coronavirus. For instance, Canada, Australia, Japan, Singapore, and New Zealand were among the top 10 countries in controlling this virus whereas Germany and France, 2 popular destinations, fell 2 spots in this ranking. Canada was the best option for people under 30, residents with master’s degree and doctorates, and those with digital work experience.

Moreover, political and social issues in the U.S. (such as tightened immigration measures, police brutality, and racism) made it a less attractive destination for immigrants.

Had it not been for the above-mentioned reasons, The United States could still be the top destination for 57 percent of people were interested in remote working for American and Canadian companies without having to leave their own country. This fact also applies to 71 percent of people in the Tech and Digital sectors. Canadian companies may make the most out of this situation and attract more foreign workers.